An alliance among companies, public and private institutions aimed at making Turin one of the best places in the world to do business and finance pursuing goals of economic viability along with objectives of social impact. A cluster of skills, activities, services to strengthen and promote the local ecosystem in the framework of Agenda 2030.
Who we are
An open Ecosystem
Turin and the impact economy
Turin is the ideal ecosystem to undertake the paradigm shift toward a social impact economy and make it a determining factor for local development policies: a solid set of scientific and technological skills, an industrial system strongly characterized by know-how and deeply rooted in society, a Third Sector that combines a consolidated social, civil and religious vocation with significant entrepreneurial skills, a deep-rooted international openness, a new generation of social incubators and accelerators, an innovative public administration and wealthy financial institutions already impact-oriented.
Turin is a mature and dynamic ecosystem with a scale suitable for experimentation and a strong tradition of co-planning at the territorial level.
Torino Social Impact
Torino Social Impact is an open platform already gathering over 350 companies, institutions, financial operators, charities, foundations and third sector enterprises. They joined the project by subscribing a MoU aimed at sharing ideas, experiences, projects and resources in order to catalyze and attract investments and activities which aspire to solve emerging social problems through economically sustainable business models.

Mission and principles
The mission of Torino Social Impact is to strengthen the local system and qualify it as one of the best places in the world to do business and finance by pursuing economic goals along with social impact objectives, in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.
Torino Social Impact believes that impact must be based on three principles:
- Intentionality – To act with the aim of generating social value
- Additionality – Operate in sub-capitalized sectors which are excluded by market mechanisms
- Measurability – Apply ex ante evaluation methods and ex post measurement tools
Torino Impact City 2022-2024 – Master Plan
Turin reaps the benefits of the investments made in recent years to strengthen the social impact ecosystem, confirming its prominent role nationally and internationally.
After developing an initial strategic plan in 2020, in 2021 Torino Social Impact approved a path to draft and implement a master plan to establish the social impact ecosystem.
The strategy is based on the idea that the city’s historical vocation for social entrepreneurship, the density of technological capabilities, and the presence of major social impact-oriented financial investors provide the foundation for social and industrial development for the metropolitan area and the whole country.
To learn about the progress of the Master Plan projects, see the reports.
Ecosystem building: let companies find the best conditions to do business with a social impact through services, skills, impact finance tools, innovative projects.
Identity promotion actions: represent the ecosystem through a collective brand with which to promote the city’s identity and position it on the global map of social impact investments.
The signatories of the MoU are part of the co-planning Assembly of Torino Social Impact, whose operating structure is financed by the Turin Chamber of Commerce within the activities of the Committee for social enterpreunership and by the Compagnia di San Paolo. Specific thematic projects receive contributions from the other partners.
Torino Social Impact is not a legal entity and is led by a Spokesperson.
Mario Calderini
Raffaella Scalisi – International Activities, Communication, Strategic Projects
Operational team:
Simona De Giorgio – General Coordination
Irene Maddio-Rocco – Project Manager
Lorena Di Maria – Project Manager
Jacopo Bottacchi – Project Manager European Project
Alessia Ibba – Project Manager European Project
Federica Rossini – Organizational secretariat
Grace De Girolamo – Head of Communication and External Relations
Corinne Infurna e Denise Junod, Sixeleven – Digital Media Specialists
Margherita Ferrario – Communication Specialist
Laura Cosa – Project Manager Social Impact Exchange and Finance Area
Tommaso Tropeano – Research Area
Vittorio Favetti – Administrator
Over 350 public and private, profit and non-profit entities joined to strengthen the local system and qualify it as one of the best places in the world to do social business and impact finance.
Scrivi per conoscere meglio il progetto, contattare un altro partner e partecipare
Discover moreTimeline
November 2017
Memorandum of Understanding
TSI’s Strategic Plan and governance definition
November 2019
Launch of the competence center for the impact assessment of the provision of services and of the professional training course about the social impact evaluation.
September 2020
Presentation of the Feasibility Study for a Social Impact Grant
October 2020
Participation of Torino Social Impact spokesman in the hearing with EU Commissioners Schmit (Labour and Social Rights) and Breton (Internal Market) on Skills for the Social Economy & Proximity Ecosystem
November 2020
Launch of four working groups coordinated by the partners
- Innovation mapping
- Impact finance
- Tech4good
- Internationalization
March 2021
The City of Turin is designated as a Social Innovation Competence Centre by the European Commission
April 2021
04.26.2021 | Establishment of the Promoter Committee for the first Social Impact Stock Exchange
04.29.2021 | Organisation of the session “Partnerships for maximising social impact” within the Digital Road To Manneheim
October 2021
TSI main partner del GSG For Impact Investing Global Summit e Impact Narrative Award
November 2021
TSI Art Awards 2020 e 2021 presented at Artissima
December 2021
Ashoka Changemaker Summit in Torino
Presentation of the Masterplan for Torino Social Impact
February 2022
Start of experimentation of the Social Stock Exchange
March 2022
03.07.2022 | Launch of the TSI Buy Social Protocol
03.25.2022 | First networking among TSI Benefit Corporations
03.26.2022 | Torino Social Impact meets the Vice-Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF) in charge of social economy
May 2022
05.23-25.2022 | GSG Leadership Meeting in Turin
05.23.2022 | A New Impact Era, public event c/o Ogr Turin
June 2022
06.02.2022 | TSI at the International Festival of Economics