The role of journalism in the impact economy

What do we mean when we talk about impact journalism? How can information today contribute to the shift in economic, environmental, and social paradigms? Is it possible to measure the social impact of news?

With a mission to explore all the frontiers of impact economy, Torino Social Impact has always kept a close eye on the media world, looking towards journalism that can promote a positive impact.

From the search for answers to these and many other questions, Torino Impact Journalism was born: an initiative dedicated to the role of information in the era of the impact economy. A journey to deepen how journalism can contribute to promoting change in a context where all societal actors, from institutions to businesses, are called upon to engage in addressing the major environmental and social challenges.

Having research, analysis, and the narration of reality as its mission, journalism can already be said to be purpose-driven, with information being an essential element for a more equitable and democratic society. According to this logic, journalism should also play a role in spreading best practices that help society progress, in addition to informing.

In this context, for example, so-called solution journalism is able to open new paths for transformative information: it focuses on effective responses to social problems that can inspire individuals and organizations to act positively, paying more attention to solution-oriented storytelling.

Today, around the world, there are hundreds of experiences that promote impact journalism thanks to the work of journalists, dedicated outlets, media networks, but also awards and recognitions.

People and organizations that are leading a global change in journalism: what unites them is the commitment to investigating the deep causes of a social problem, showing its complexity, and highlighting stories and experiences that have a positive impact on society, encouraging a more conscious, participative, and informed citizenship.

An initiative focused on impact journalism

The initiative launched includes a series of events and webinars, projects, and experiments that will also involve international experts, academics, journalists, and professionals.

The objective is to reflect on the theme starting from some questions, involving both the mainstream information world and the experiences of impact journalism:

  • What role can journalism play in contributing to the necessary economic, environmental, and social paradigm shift for the great global challenges?
  • Is it possible and necessary to set a goal for information different from its natural role as an enabler of an equitable, democratic, and free society?
  • What does it mean for information to be consistent with ESG criteria and the three principles of impact (intentionality, additionality, measurability)?
  • Are there other aspects to analyze besides the corporate strategy of the publishing group one belongs to? How to build a newsroom with social impact also by introducing measurement criteria?
  • Is this approach compatible with the function of journalism of critical analysis and impartial reporting of the current affairs in its entirety and denunciation?

The Torino Impact Journalism initiative is sponsored by Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia.