“Working online together, in the new normal”, a training opportunity organized by Scuola Capitale Sociale in collaboration with Avventura Urbana Srl, Genius Loci, Florence School of Dialogue and MAGESCO, the new Master in Consensus building and mediation of the University of Florence and University of Turin.
Starting on March 2nd, the course focuses on how to cooperate and learn from each other while working in online groups, as well as in real sessions, improving relationships and producing results. The course will be held by Gerardo de Luzenberger, professor of participatory project management at the University of Trento and organizer of #FACILITA, the Italian facilitators conference; and Iolanda Romano, expert in deliberative processes and public consensus building and mediation, former government commissioner for the Terzo Valico railway line.
Course enrollment ends on February 22nd. For further information, please write to: segreteria@scuolacapitalesociale.it.