Saturday, January 29 Where Learning Happens. Education as an urban policy makes a stop in Turin for a new presentation meeting in the spaces of Via Baltea 3.
The publication collects the perspectives and experiences – Italian and international – emerged during the local conversations on the link between education and cities organized between April and May 2021 by Avanzi as a contribution to the New European Bauhaus initiative.
Promoted by the European Commission, the New European Bauhaus (NEB) was created with the aim of stimulating debate and social imagination around the design and construction of a sustainable and inclusive future.
To respond to this challenge and contribute to the public debate launched by the NEB, Avanzi wanted to stimulate a reflection on the role of the city as a “learning community” that cultivates the skills of its inhabitants and sets up spaces to support them.
The presentation in the spaces of Via Baltea 3, the community hub of Barriera di Milano, a former printing house transformed into a space for the community, intends to continue this reflection, starting from a suggestion: the construction of “educating communities” could be the challenge on which to set a new season of policies for the suburbs.
Spaces that welcome and stimulate social energies (like via Baltea 3) can be crucial resources to support innovation and social learning. Turin, which is the Italian city with the most consolidated tradition of intervention in the suburbs, how does it interpret this new phase and how could it orient its policies to support it?
Free copies of the publication will be available for meeting attendees.
Super Green Pass holders will be allowed to attend the event after registering on Eventbrite.