WELLGRANDA | Reti di Welfare, within the Accompagnamento Progettuale axis, has launched its second training and consultancy course with experts in social innovation, social impact entrepreneurship and welfare, aimed at organisations and partnerships active in the province of Cuneo, wishing to develop innovative welfare projects.
This second call, following on from the activities launched last year, is designed for projects in the area that wish to grow through a dedicated path divided into five stages: assessment, exploration, co-design, monitoring and networking.
WELLGRANDA | Reti di Welfare is Fondazione CRC‘s system action, realised in collaboration with SocialFare | Centro per l’Innovazione Sociale, which from 2023 to December 2025 will work on three axes of action (Territorial Academy, Project Accompaniment, Modelling) in five challenge areas for welfare in the province of Cuneo (health welfare, labour welfare, community welfare, cultural welfare and landscape welfare) involving both local authorities and organisations and active citizenship.
Register by 23:59 on Sunday 15 September 2024 through the form here
For more information click here
For any questions and/or curiosity, you can contact us at info@wellgranda.org and/or visit us at the WELLGRANDA desk at the Fondazione CRC Headquarters and by appointment at 0171452780 or at the email info@wellgranda.org.