In the fourth episode of “VOCI,” Amapola delves into the continuously growing phenomenon of foreign entrepreneurship in Italy, giving voice to an immigration story from Syria. Raiaan Dobosh, a Syrian restaurateur in Turin, and Anna Bertrand, the president of the Paìs Association, share their experiences with the S.T.A.R.C.I. project, highlighting the challenges and satisfactions.
An Interview in Two Voices
Raiaan Dobosh is a woman of Syrian origin who sought refuge in Italy in 2018. In 2022, thanks to the S.T.A.R.C.I. project, she and her family opened the Italo-Syrian restaurant, Eria-Cinque Petali, in Turin.
The Paìs Association – Pathways for Accompaniment and Social Inclusion has been working on projects since 2019 aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions of individuals at risk of social marginalization in the city of Turin. The S.T.A.R.C.I. project, discussed in this interview, was funded by the Municipality of Turin and aims to provide support, including financial assistance, for the establishment of entrepreneurial activities by people of foreign origin within the city.
The stories shared by Anna and Raiaan shed light on the strength of the associative network in Turin, the motivation and enthusiasm of those determined to build a new life, but also the obstacles imposed by the banking system, among others, on projects that effectively enrich and innovate the landscape of commercial activities in our region.
The “Voci” Column
Voci is about stories, people and words without frontiers. In our infodemic age with its extreme background noise, this is an initiative designed to focus attention on key social issues, giving a voice to people with first-hand experience. The playlist with all the interviews is available on YouTube.