VISIONI (“Visions”) is a seminar for social and cultural operators, third sector organizations and evaluation technicians.
Why a seminar on the evaluation of social impact starting from the experiences of a Turin network that has experienced this directly?
Speaking of social impact today, on the eve of the third sector reform, calls for academic theories, models of change, measurements and reporting requests for political and economic stakeholders. But it also means that professional and competent operators in building relationships with different recipients, skilled in moving between complex projects and complex partnerships, prepared to respond to communication and budget management needs, must prepare themselves to measure the effects and effectiveness that the their organizations produce within the community, profiling monitoring systems that involve the beneficiaries themselves. And it happens that this enterprise clashes with attempts to bring people together, to make the dynamic and light spaces of coexistence easy, with the risk of intervening on the spontaneity of certain relationships.
Therefore, it is a seminar to start an exchange of practices and images, emphasizing the difficulties encountered, the limits glimpsed, but also the opportunities encountered.
When: 26 June 2019 – 9.00 – 18.00
Where: Hub Cecchi Point – via Cecchi 17, Turin
The program in online:
The seminar is a project from the Network of Houses in the Turin district, together with Rete 14 Luglio, Ufficio Pio, Chamber of Commerce of Turin, within Torino Social Impact, with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo and Città di Torino. With the collaboration of Euricse and the sponsorship of Assifero.