Torino Social Impact is official partner of the GSG Summit, the most influential impact investing event delivering solutions for people and the planet, taking place online 6-8 October 2021. Established in 2015, Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) brings together leaders from the worlds of finance, business, and philanthropy whose goal is precisely the pursuit of positive social and environmental impact.
Torino Social Impact participates in the Summit with a large delegation representing the ecosystem, to learn and share best practices from around the world. The group, which is being defined, is currently composed of:
- Andrea Limone – PerMicro S.p.A.
- Angelo Perez – Consorzio Kairòs
- Caterina Soldi – Link4Good Srl Società Benefit
- Chiara Ferroni – Fondazione Torino Wireless
- Daniela Gregnanin – Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
- Daniele Caccherano – Cooperativa Sociale Liberi Tutti
- Davide Dal Maso – Make a Cube³
- Elisa Rosso – Torino Social Impact
- Federico Disegni – Brainscapital Srl Società Benefit
- Giovanna Bossi – Finpiemonte S.p.A.
- Guido Bolatto – Camera di commercio di Torino
- Giulia Spagna – Danish Refugee Council
- Giuseppe Dell’Erba – Fondazione Cottino
- Laura Orestano – SocialFare
- Marco Ramella – Fondazione Torino Wireless
- Mario Calderini – Tiresia Polimi
- Mario Montalcini – Brainscapital Srl Società Benefit
- Federica Fulghesu – Fondazione Brodolini
- Raffaella Scalisi – Torino Social Impact
- Simona De Giorgio – Torino Social Impact
- Stefania Coni – Fondazione CRT