In Turin, some local associations have launched “TuttiConnessi”, an initiave to promote the solidarity collection of IT tools for students in difficulty in response to the lack of connection equipment.
Distance learning has proven to be a strategic resource for schools with the aim of ensuring continuity of training activities in this emergency situation we are facing. To success, this new model of “doing school” does not only require you to juggle e-learning platforms, multimedia content and new teaching approaches, but has a fundamental requirement: the IT tools, essential for accessing this “e-learining plan”.
However, data collected from teachers revealed several critical issues, first of all the absence of technological devices for a third of Italian families. According to a recent ISTAT survey, in fact, it seems that about 14.3% of families with at least one minor do not have computers or tablets and only in 22.2% of families each component has a PC or tablet at disposal.
“TuttiConnessi” is a project in expansion: born to respond to a specific need (and emergency) of the territory, it also intends to look to the future, trying to incisively face the problem of the digital divide and the new challenges that the world of education will face.
To offer effective teaching support, the goal is to collect unused IT equipment from private individuals and companies and distribute it to students in need. The devices will be recovered and sanitized by volunteers, regenerated and delivered to the families of the pupils who requested them through the mediation of teachers and educators.
This independent project was born from the collaboration between the Turin associations SYX, Tékhné, Informatici Senza Frontiere and MuPIN – Piedmontese Informatics and Technology Museum: a multidisciplinary team, necessary to manage a complex situation that implies, in the first phase, the offer of the access to hardware essential for online training, and which will subsequently require the development of new skills and teaching methods.
By connecting to the web site it is possible to access the different areas dedicated to anyone intending to donate a device: everyone can support the project through the donation of laptops, tablets or smartphones, of any brand and type, provided they are functional and sufficiently recent.
The proposed model is also scalable and replicable in other cities that have already taken an interest in the initiative, and which find indications on the website regarding the processes and operations. This emergency teaches everyone to be in solidarity, therefore the prerequisite for the school to continue with its formative mission is that, thanks to a massive adhesion, it is also possible to make #TuttiConnessi.
For more information: – Telegram / WhatsApp: +39 351 8930600