On July 3rd at 9:00 AM, at the Enviroment Park Congress Center, the City of Turin is organizing the event ‘Turin Towards Climate Neutrality: The Role of Energy Communities and Self-Consumption Groups’.

The event will focus on exploring the themes related to the journey towards climate neutrality undertaken by the City of Turin, with particular attention to the role that Renewable Energy Communities and local Self-Consumption Groups can play. The importance of these configurations for achieving future climate neutrality in Turin is evident, and the benefits extend far beyond the energy dimension: each community is called to respond to territorial and community needs, representing forms of local development, new entrepreneurship, and the construction of new supply chains.

The speakers’ presentations will delve into the main topics related to the current regulation of Renewable Energy Communities and Self-Consumption Groups, both nationally and locally, presenting the actions that the City of Turin intends to implement to support the spread of these configurations. In the second part of the morning, working groups will be created for all those interested in forming (or joining) a self-consumption configuration, in order to gather needs, opinions, questions, and requests towards the realization of a service that arises from co-design with the protagonists of the ongoing energy transition.