The City of Turin has been selected to participate in the international learning program promoted by the project RRR – Respond Rebuild Reinvent on the theme of ecosystems of the social and solidarity economy.
RRR, funded by the European Union under its foreign policy instruments, is part of the initiative of the OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development called ‘Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems Global Action’ launched in 2020 that involves over 30 countries.
Turin is the only Italian city that will participate in the training program and comparison with international realities. It has been chosen because of the commitment it has shown for years to support the local ecosystem of social innovation, in particular through the initiative Torino Social Impact’. The Turin context is in fact recognized as one of the richest on the international level for the experiences that promote the social economy and solidarity.
During the Covid-19 health emergency, the City has activated initiatives such as ‘Torino Solidale’ that have mobilized the territory in favor of the weakest and most affected by the socio-economic consequences of the pandemic.
Respond Rebuild Reinvent – which will involve 16 organizations worldwide, including Upsocial (the lead subject) and city networks Eurocities and Metropolis – wants to highlight and enhance the impact that the actions implemented by local governments can have in providing quick and effective responses during critical situations such as the recent health emergency.
The other cities selected, with which Turin will deal, are Dublin, Bilbao, Rotterdam, San Francisco, Belo Horizonte and Warsaw.