On June 27th, Torino Social Impact will be in Brussels at the European Economic and Social Committee for the closing event of SocialTech4EU, a two-year project that began in September 2022, funded by the European Innovation Council and the Executive Agency for SMEs (EISMEA) through the joint cluster initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for Europe’s recovery (SMP-COSME-2021-CLUSTER).

Social economy organizations often face structural difficulties related to accessing new digital and green business models, particularly concerning precarious financial sustainability, access to funding, lack of skills, inability to attract talent, and poor market competitiveness compared to traditional SMEs.

This project aimed to strengthen the resilience, innovation capacity, competitiveness, and sustainability of social economy ecosystems, with a particular focus on social tech enterprises.

Through SocialTech4EU, a call for social enterprises was published, providing funds to undertake training courses in business, digitalization, and innovative technology management.

On May 16th, Open Incet hosted the event “SocialTech4EU: Innovate & Connect with Italian enterprises. Presentation of project results and networking session”, a meeting to showcase the results achieved and foster relationships between social enterprises and local stakeholders.

Organized by Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini Srl SB and Torino Social Impact, the event represented an opportunity to explore the SocialTech4EU project, which is currently the largest support and training program for social enterprises in Europe, co-financed by the European Union under the framework of Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for Europe’s recovery.

For the project’s closure, the SocialTech4EU conference “GREEN AND DIGITAL TOGETHER” is scheduled for June 27th, to learn more about social innovation and the green and digital transition driven by clusters and entrepreneurs.

The speakers:

  • Giuseppe Guerini, member of the EESC and president of Cecop-Cicopa Europe
  • Diego Dutto, member of the EESC and national coordinator of Legacoopsociali
  • Anna Athanasopoulou, head of the Proximity, Social Economy, Creative Industries Unit (GROW.G.2)
  • Margit Perko, policy officer at the Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship Unit (EMPL.G.3)
  • Mario Calderini, full professor at the Politecnico di Milano, high-level expert in Sustainability and Impact Management, and spokesperson for Torino Social Impact

TSI coordinated this initiative together with the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, collaborating with five organizations from Belgium (European Network of Social Integration Enterprises – ENSIE NETWORK), Germany (Silicon Vilstal), Romania (ADV Romania), Spain (Cluster IDiA), and Sweden (Coompanion).

Find out more

Read the agenda for 27 June

Read the agenda for 28 June