TSI won the prestigious Absolute Press Jury Award, chaired by Forbes Italy, and second place in the Public Communication category of the Areté Award.
The award ceremony took place in the setting of the CSR Fair of Responsible Communication, at Bocconi University in Milan. The aim of the award, now in its 19th edition, is to valorise individuals who have distinguished themselves for the effectiveness of their responsible communication, presenting virtuous examples to the business community and the general public. Candidates are selected by the Jury after careful monitoring, not by the spontaneous application.
‘The communicative strength of Torino Social Impact lies in the breadth and heterogeneity of its more than 220 partners: third sector, foundations, for-profit companies including 30 benefit societies, organisations and institutions voluntarily committed to generating social impact through their activities. These awards give us confirmation that the voice of the ecosystem is heard and appreciated, and encourage us to give it ever greater echo’. These were the words of Guido Bolatto, Secretary General of the Torino Chamber of Commerce, which promotes the platform together with the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, in line with the Jury’s motivation: for the capacity of aggregation and inclusion, with more than two hundred actors, institutions, companies, research centres, third sector, to work together on a sustainable ecosystem.
President of the Press Jury is Alessandro Rossi, Director of Forbes.it. Mediapartners BFC Forbes, Gruppo24Ore, Askanews and Formiche.
Forbes interview to Guido Bolatto, Secretary General of the Turin Chamber of Commerce