On Wednesday May 19, 2021, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and SocialFare are launching TorinoProxima, an event to reflect on the cultural and economic dimension of proximity as an enabling element for building an empathetic and accessible future for Torino.
Economy and culture of proximity
to design the near future of our city today
Online event
A unique appointment to reflect together on the cultural and economic dimension of proximity as an enabling element to build the close, empathetic and accessible future of Torino:
- The presentation of the new book by Ezio Manzini, Abitare la prossimità. Ideas for the city of 15 minutes, Egea Edizioni.
- The launch event of Torino Proxima, the new programme of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation created with SocialFare to accompany civic and cultural projects towards the creation of social impact enterprises through the unique and relevant declination of proximity.
- Ezio Manzini, author of Abitare la prossimità. Ideas for the city of 15 minutes
- Paolo Mulassano, Head of Obiettivo Pianeta – Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
- Matteo Bagnasco, Head of Culture Objective – Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
- Laura Orestano, CEO of SocialFare | Centre for Social Innovation
Moderator: Stefano Arduini, Director of Vita.
Followed by a Q&A session
The live audience will be able to ask questions through Facebook and YouTube chat.
The event will be broadcast live on SocialFare‘s Facebook and YouTube channels.
At this link the always updated calendar of events: click here.