The Giacomo Brodolini Foundation, together with partners Rethink Ireland, the City of Turin, and the City of Cork, is pleased to announce the launch of the Open Call within the SEFIT project – Social Ecosystem for Fair and Inclusive Transition. The project brings together local authorities, social innovators, and citizens to promote a transformative ecological and digital change that is equitable within the cities of Turin and Cork.
The Open Call aims to select social innovation projects taking place in Turin and Cork that address specific challenges posed by the Twin Transition in each local context.
The City of Turin has been selected among the 100 European Cities for the Mission “100 Climate-Neutral Cities by 2030 – by and for Citizens,” which will be supported by the European Union in their transformation towards climate neutrality and digitization. This initiative aims to significantly accelerate the achievement of the European Green Deal‘s goal to become a “net zero” continent by 2050. Within this framework, through the SEFIT project, economic support is intended to be offered to innovative projects addressing the following challenges:
- Financial and Consumer Education conceived as a response to the growing poverty caused by rising energy costs and a lack of awareness regarding energy conservation. This initiative aims to address these challenges by promoting processes of participation and social innovation.
- Green Jobs aimed at increasing resilience to climate change through the training and employment of disadvantaged individuals in the green economy sector.
- Sustainable Mobility aimed at encouraging a change in behavior in the use of public city transportation.
- Youth Forums, whose creation aims to encourage active involvement of young people in a direct dialogue with local and national public administrations on the topic of climate change.
The goal of the Call is to promote a fair and inclusive green and/or digital transition, supporting social innovation solutions that address and mitigate the current and future impacts of climate change in the city of Turin, encouraging the active participation of people living in socio-economic disadvantage.
Grants, ranging from €27,000 to €38,000, are intended for legally constituted SMEs and Third Sector Organizations. Selected beneficiaries can benefit from the following services:
- Capacity-building program accompanied by mentors and experts who can guide organizations in strategic planning, impact maximization, communication, storytelling, and fundraising.
- Networking
Applications for the call can be submitted through our application form from Friday, February 23, to Tuesday, April 16, at 2:00 PM (CET). To apply and check the eligibility of the application, please consult the guidelines.
For additional information, write to or visit the Open Incet website.
View the Open Incet profile on Torino Social Impact.