“Emerging technologies for sustainable development” is the first research report realized in the Social Tech Lab program, a project by Nesta Italia, supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, in the context of Torino Social Impact. Thanks to the precious collaboration of six different research partners, in the report the most used emerging technologies are analyzed and, through the analysis of some international case studies, their potential of social impact is highlighted.
Associazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing (AISM), in collaboration with Nesta Italia, organizes three online webinars to deepen together with the authors of the research the potential of emerging technologies to accelerate a path of sustainable development.
Appointment on April 8, 21 and 28 at 17:00 on Zoom.
The webinars will also be broadcast on the Facebook channel of the Italian Association of Marketing Development at this link https://www.facebook.com/AssociazioneItalianaMarketing