Impact is a driver of innovation for all businesses, particularly for SMEs, which represent over 75% of the local and national entrepreneurial fabric.

But what do we mean by impact? What does it mean to plan, manage, and measure impact?

What strategic and organisational innovations can be directed by impact?

This event is specifically aimed at Small and Medium-sized enterprises and intends to provide answers to these questions, bringing them new opportunities and knowledge about new forms of enterprise, innovation pathways, and corporate models oriented towards common benefit, such as benefit corporations.


9:30 – Login time 9:35 – Welcome by Fondazione Piemonte Innova, Torino Social Impact, Polo ICT
9:45 – Impact as a competitive lever for SMEs: presentation of Impact Prototypes Labs – Caterina Soldi, Cottino Social Impact Campus
10:05 – Case History of Benefit Corporations and B Corps Domenico Tessera, Sales srl Luisa Caprotti, Whiteready
10:20 – Q&A 10:30 – End of event

The webinar is organised by Fondazione Piemonte Innova – Polo di Innovazione ICT, in collaboration with Cottino Social Impact Campus and Torino Social Impact.