Ten points, ten episodes, ten guests talking about the complexities, tools and opportunities involved in environmental communication.
In 2021, Amapola launched the ten golden rules of environmental communication: now, the publication has been transformed into a ten-episode podcast! We look at the ten rules together with guests who will tell us about their own experience and discuss environmental communication tools and dynamics. The podcast is presented by our head of communication, Micol Burighel.
The ten golden rules of environmental communication: follow the podcast on Spotify!
Written by Amapola partner Sergio Vazzoler, together with Micol Burighel, the ten golden rules are a brief vademecum of good practices and survival tips for communication in the world to come. Is there a right way to communicate the environment? How can you talk about environmental questions in simple terms, without falling into the superficiality trap? And how do you manage the conflicts that often arise over these issues? In a world where sustainability has become our daily bread, we can no longer afford the luxury of poor environmental communication.
If you want to keep up with the changes taking place in communication, for work or out of personal interest or both, this podcast is for you because it talks about tools, as well as the complexities and opportunities of environmental communication. And if you think this is not really such an important question, at the beginning of each episode Signora Vox Populi shines a light on the distortions that can be generated by poor environmental communication.
Six episodes are already available on Spotify: HERE.