The feasibility of the Social Impact Exchange was recently the focus of an extensive and in-depth discussion during a workshop organized and hosted in Brussels by the Social Entrepreneurship Unit of the DG EMPL of the European Commission.
The meeting, held on February 14th, involved qualified experts from DG EMPL, DG GROW, DG FISMA, DG ECFIN of the European Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the European Investment Fund (EIF). It provided an excellent opportunity to explore innovative strategies to overcome the imbalance between demand and supply of financing for impact-oriented enterprises and create a supportive environment for the social economy by better integrating its needs and peculiarities within the financial markets system.
Promoter Committee of the Social Impact Exchange
Promoters: Paolo Biancone (University of Turin); Guido Bolatto (Turin Chamber of Commerce); Mario Calderini (Turin Social Impact); Davide Dal Maso (Avanzi Sostenibilità per Azioni); Giorgio Fiorentini (Bocconi University); Giovanni Gallo (Confcooperative); Andrea Ganelli (Leading Law); Mario Montalcini (Studio Dottori Commercialisti Associati); Paolo Mulassano (Compagnia di San Paolo); Paolo Petrucci (Legacoop Piemonte); Eleonora Rajneri (University of Eastern Piedmont); Roberto Randazzo (Legance); Elisa Rosso (Turin Social Impact); Raffaella Scalisi (Turin Social Impact).
Other members: GianPaolo Badini (Investimenti Solidali s.p.a.); Paola Bellotti (Coopfond); Pietro Bracco (AndPartners); Stefano Cacchi Pessani (Bonelli Erede); Alessandro Corbari (Nexus); Pierangelo Decisi (Sigit S.p.A.); Claudia Fiaschi (Forum Terzo Settore); Dario Prunotto (Unigens); Giuseppe Cais and Alessandro Baldo di Vinadio (Studio BGR Tax and Legal); Marella Caramazza (Cottino Social Impact Campus and Center of Excellence for the Evaluation and Measurement of Social Impact).