5 June 2019 – The City of Turin published the Public Notice for the selection of the partnership and for the candidacy of a social inclusion project, in the context of the call for proposals, dated 5 April 2019, by the Department of Public Function on the Social Innovation Fund, that was presented in Turin on 18 April 2019.
The main objective of the national call for proposals is to promote models of social innovation, in order to achieve the final goal of a system change through a new approach to the development of services by the municipalities, as well as to establish new forms of relationships between public and private subjects, in a logic of co-creation of the services, where the elements of scalability and repeatability serve as main principles of the project proposals.
The project proposals can relate to one of the following three areas of intervention: social inclusion, cultural animation, school dropout. The City of Turin intends to apply for admission to funding for the first type of intervention, which concerns social inclusion, and for this purpose it has decided to launch a public selection and consultation procedure available at this link.
Considering that the guidelines of the national public notice require that the experimental projects of social innovation must include, in addition to the involvement of a service provider and a private investor or financier, also of an evaluator, the City intends to make use of the proven skills in the evaluation and measurement of the social impact offered by the Center for Impact Assesment of the Turin Chamber of Commerce, which guarantees appropriate levels of independence and reliability, given that it is a public body, a third party and a promoter together with the City of Turin of the platform Turin Social Impact.
The City intends to promote an experimental and innovative program of interventions, according to the model of social impact finance and improving its administrative capacity. The experimental design idea will have to focus on the sub-theme of affordable housing, placing the citizen and his social needs at the project’s center, so as to deal more effectively with the complexity and interrelations of the urban challenges posed by the groups disadvantaged or vulnerable.
More info and full text here.