As summer approaches, Fondazione Time2 kicks off its Summer Camp: an experience away from home, often for the first time, that the foundation has been organizing for four years. This vacation is designed to ensure that people with disabilities can enjoy the same experiences as their peers, with the support of highly specialized personnel where needed.

This year, for the first time, Fondazione Time2 has also created a program for parents: an immersive residential course of reflection and sharing for parents of people with disabilities aged 15 to 29.

It will be the first national Summer School on the new developments introduced by the implementation of the new Delega Law 227/2021 on disability, carried out with the support of Fondazione CRT as part of the Disability Agenda project.

The Summer School will be held at the “Santo Stefano” Relais in Sandigliano (BI) from Sunday, July 21 to Friday, July 26, and is aimed at 30 parents who will voluntarily participate in a training and in-depth experience with teachers and experts.

There will be many topics on the agenda: from personalized life projects for children with disabilities to communication strategies, from regional and national activation paths to the contents of Delega Law 227/2021, and many other impactful topics in the field. There will also be group activities, recreational and sports moments with professionals and the Conductors of Independent Life Workshops.

The Summer Camp and the Summer School are two different paths and stays but with the same approach and perspective: to create accessible contexts for all people, in the city and in the mountains, and empowerment paths for people with disabilities and their families.

The Summer School is an initiative of the “Sguardi al futuro” project and is carried out by: Fondazione Time2, Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin – Center for Independent Living Studies, DiVi, Committee for the implementation of Law 162/98 in Piedmont, Committee for the implementation of Law 162/98 in Valle d’Aosta and Lavazza Group. With the support of Fondazione CRT as part of the “Supporting Families” idea competition of the Disability Agenda.