In Turin, the first Social Impact Evaluators have been certified thanks to the University Professional Course promoted by the Turin Social Impact Competence Center.
The CUAP – University Professional Course – for the Social Impact Assessment carried out by the University of Turin as part of the Turin Social Impact strategic plan, is successfully concluded today as the first action of the Competence Center for Impact Measurement, born in November.
As a confirmation of the great attention of the territory for new business models able to combine economic performance objectives and social impact objectives, the numbers of this first edition are an important sign: 91 participants and 42 third sector entities were involved. The total teaching hours provided were 125 (both in classroom and online), with the participation of over 20 expert teachers of the impact assessment in every area: to name a few, in addition to Paolo Biancone director of the CUAP, Mario Calderini, Giuseppe Chiappero, Flavia Coda Moscarola, Emiliano Giovine, Gabriele Guzzetti, Federico Mento, Filippo Montesi, Roberto Randazzo, Elisa Ricciuti, Silvana Secinaro, Valentina Tosi, Paolo Venturi, Flaviano Zandonai.
A total of 84 certified impact evaluators / chief value officers came out of the course. The final exam test involved the realization of a project work, for which the participants selected 15 existing projects, on which to carry out the impact assessment.
The course, supported by the Turin Chamber of Commerce through the Social Entrepreneurship Committee, was made possible thanks to the synergy with the Management Department of the University of Turin, as well as the collaboration of the Tiresia Politecnico di Milano International Research Center, of the Cottino Social Impact Campus and of the training agencies of the cooperative system.
A new edition of the CUAP on the Social Impact Assessment is expected in December 2020.