Online event: presentation of THE DIGITAL MATCH
The World of Business is ready to present the position paper “The Digital Match” and the Recommend-Actions to establish Turin and Piedmont as a territory of excellence on digital issues.
The Torino Chamber of commerce and Unione Industriale di Torino are the institutions that have believed in this challenge and have activated all the other associations representing the entire business world, from engineering to agriculture, from commerce to craftsmanship.
PWC and Torino Wireless carried out a careful analysis and collection of the territory’s assets, including an assessment of its strengths and weaknesses, and we compared ourselves with leading European cities in order to identify the best strategy and the tools needed for a positioning that can only strengthen all the companies and make our territory even more attractive.
There was also a very useful exchange of views with all the players in the innovation ecosystem, from universities and research organisations to ITS, from banking foundations to the non-profit sector, such as Torino Social Impact, together of course with numerous local institutions: first and foremost the Piedmont Region, the Metropolitan City of Torino and the City of Torino.
Now we are all called upon to play “TheDigitalMatch”!