The City of Turin as lead partner, with the participation of the University of Turin and the Polytechnic University of Turin as institutional partners, intends to respond to the second Call for Proposals European Urban Initiative – Innovative Actions (EUI-IA) with a deadline on 5 October 2023. To this end, it has published a Call for Proposals to identify the best project proposals and the best partnership for the subsequent co-design of the bid.
Among the topics covered by the Call, the City of Turin intends to address the challenge Harnessing talent in shrinking cities. In this context, the European Urban Initiative (EUI) finances innovative actions to test new solutions that contribute to retaining and attracting talent: placed-based pilot projects that involve local communities in experiments on an urban scale and that integrate the economic, social and environmental dimensions of demographic challenges.
The aim of the projects should be to meet the affordable housing needs of national and international off-campus university students through innovative solutions based on the valorisation of the city’s available real estate assets, but also to offer additional services aimed at improving students’ quality of life and creating a sense of rootedness and belonging to the territory, favouring not only their settlement but also their permanence in Turin at the end of their studies.
The project proposal may be submitted by a grouping of no more than three organisations. Only organisations with legal personality are considered eligible.
Project proposals are eligible whose financial plan respects the maximum limit of 6.000.000 € (including the co-financing share and the budget shares allocated to the City as Lead partner, to all the Delivery partners and to the 3 Transfer partners). Each partner will have to guarantee co-financing of 20% of its share of the budget.
Deadline for submission of applications: Monday 4 September 2023 at 16:00
For all details and to download the application documents, go to the dedicated page of the City of Turin website.