Don’t miss the General Assembly of Torino Social Impact!

The event is confirmed to be attended by Undersecretary of State Hon. Lucia Albano

Join us on Monday, November 18 from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., at the Aula Magna of the University of Turin, within the Cavallerizza Reale, located at Via Giuseppe Verdi 9 in Turin.

The Assembly is open to all citizens, organizations, and entities interested in topics related to the economy and social impact. We invite you to join us and share this event with anyone who might be interested in participating!

The meeting will be a valuable opportunity for dialogue with experts and prominent national figures. Central to the event will be a discussion on five impact projects for the city and an extensive session dedicated to collaborative activities and peer learning.

To help us organize the event as efficiently as possible, we invite you to register if you haven’t done so already!



2:30 p.m.

3:00 p.m.
Welcome and Opening Greetings
Representative of the University of Turin
Guido Bolatto, General Secretary, Turin Chamber of Commerce
Carlotta Salerno, City of Turin Councillor for Education, School Buildings, Youth, Peripheries, and Urban Regeneration
Sonia Cambursano, delegated councillor Metropolitan City of Turin

3:15 p.m.
A Future with Positive Impact: Five Projects for the City
Introduction and moderated discussion by Mario Calderini, Professor at Polytechnic University of Milan and spokesperson for Torino Social Impact

3:30 p.m.
Building Financial Infrastructures for Impact: The Social Impact Exchange
Laura Cosa, Project Manager, Social Impact Exchange
Guido Romano, Head of Monitoring and Impact Analysis Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

3:45 p.m.
Designing the City by Enhancing Public Assets for Social Impact: The Municipality of Turin’s Experiment
Marella Caramazza, Strategic Director, CeVIS; Board Member, Cottino Social Impact Campus and Istud Business School
Representative of the City of Torino*

4:00 p.m.
Partnerships for Impact: Social Procurement
Raffaella Scalisi, Advisor, Torino Social Impact
Representative of the Turin Industrial Union
Irene Bongiovanni, Vice-President Social Entrepreneurship Committee Turin Chamber of Commerce

4:20 p.m.
Outcome-Based Partnerships: An Impact Fund for NEETs in Piedmont
Gianluca Gaggiotti, Co-founder, IMPACTips
Representative of Banca Sella*

4:35 p.m.
The evolution of European and national strategies for the social economy. The metropolitan plan of Turin.
Simona De Giorgio, Coordinator, Social Entrepreneurship Committee, Turin Chamber of Commerce and Torino Social Impact
Sonia Cambursano, Delegate Councilor, Metropolitan City of Turin
Hon. Lucia Albano, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Economy and Finance

5:00 p.m.
Stakeholder Meeting: Communities of Practice and Peer Learning Tools
Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
Torino Social Impact Team

*to be confirmed