The European project SEED – Social Inovation Ecosystem Development launches a program of Capacity Building activities from September 2022 to April 2023 that includes 11 modules divided into 6 thematic areas:
- Co-design and co-production
- Social Innovation policy
- Financial support for Social Innovation
- Social Innovation business models and new forms of entrepreneurship
- Social Innovation monitoring and assessing
- Digital SI
The SEED Capacity Building program, coordinated by the Politecnico di Milano and by the University of Bologna, is part of the path leading towards the creation the National Competence Centers for Social Innovation in the four partner Countries: Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovenia. Stakeholders from these countries are particularly welcome to attend the programme, which is however free and open to anyone interested to better understand the meaning and implications behind the concept of Social Innovation.
You can check out the full program here.
On Tuesday, September 20, the first meeting entitled “Managing Social Innovation: from past challenges to future opportunities” is scheduled with the following agenda:
12.30 – 12.50: Introduction: Utopic scaling: what went wrong – Mario Calderini and Ambra Giuliano, Politecnico di Milano
Panel discussion: Federico Mento, Ashoka – Marco Nannini, ImpactHub – SocialFare
12.50 – 13.05: What are the main challenges in managing SI processes and initiatives?
13.05 – 13.20: What are the main challenges in scaling SI?
13.20 – 13.35: What leadership for social innovation?
13.35 – 14.00: Q&A – Discussion with participants
Learn more and register for the event
SEED – Social innovation EcosystEm Development, is funded by the European program EaSI with the City of Turin involved in the role of Lead Partner in partnership with Fondazione Brodolini, Politecnico di Milano, University of Bologna, Politecnico di Torino, Euricse, Fondazione Italia Sociale.
The goal of the project is to support the creation and development of a national Center of Competence for Social Innovation with the aim of enhancing already existing and recognized skills, and at the same time offering tools for training, learning, exchange and growth.