A collaboration between the Chamber of Commerce and the Metropolitan City for drafting a Plan dedicated to the social economy in the Turin area: this is the content of the agreement that will be presented on Thursday, July 18th at the Chamber of Commerce in the presence of Guido Bolatto, Secretary General of the Turin Chamber of Commerce, and Sonia Cambursano, Councilor of the Metropolitan City of Turin with a mandate for tourism, productive activities, economic development, and strategic planning.

In December 2021, the European Commission adopted an Action Plan for the Social Economy, presenting concrete measures to be implemented at both the national and Union levels.
In November 2023, the Council of the EU approved a Recommendation on developing the framework conditions for the social economy, inviting member states to promote a strategy that facilitates its development through favorable initiatives, measures, and legal frameworks, collaborating with stakeholders at all levels in building it. The Recommendation also includes establishing national, local, or regional contact points for the social economy, aimed at promoting social innovation, supporting the development of the social economy, and enhancing its potential for economic and social transformation.
The Turin area is at the forefront of elaborating a local implementation of these principles and action plans. For years, Turin has stood out for its attention to the social economy, thanks to initiatives promoted by a variety of actors: public, private, philanthropic, and third sector entities, united in the Torino Social Impact ecosystem.

The press conference will also be an opportunity to present the latest data on the social economy in the territory.