The second selection of the 2019 edition of the Seed Social Enterprises, Efficiency&Development of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation has been completed.
The aim of the call is to help Piedmontese social enterprises with greater potential to design and implement a process of development and transformation, efficiency and innovation. The first selection of the call for proposals allowed fifty social enterprises to design their own development plan, and then to be examined by a Commission composed of referees with different competence profiles, in order to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the proposals that the call for proposals intends to solicit.
Now the Turin philanthropic foundation will support the twenty social enterprises that passed the second selection, with a total investment of €500,000. The list of selected companies can be consulted here.
In a scenario characterized by growing inequalities, social enterprise and the third sector play a decisive role in Italy and internationally in the production of goods and services that generate forms of inclusion, value and wealth ,and respond to complex social problems. Seed_Social Enterprises, Efficiency & Development is an action of capacity building, management training and acceleration aimed at social enterprises operating in Piedmont, to help those with potential to design and implement a process of development and transformation, efficiency and innovation and at the same time promote, in such a delicate phase, a design-oriented to resistance, resilience and restart.
The objective of the 2019 edition of the Seed call for proposals is to support social enterprises to design and implement their own development plan, with the aim of moving towards real sustainability at market conditions, also becoming attractive for private capital. The company is accompanied towards high level skills usually not easily accessible for the third sector, such as those towards digital transformation.
The Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation attracts, coordinates and directs these skills, strengthening the entire ecosystem of innovation for the common good.