In which direction will technological evolution go? How will it affect our future, with the increasingly rapid changes it brings both in everyday individual life and in societies and markets? These are very common questions, especially for young innovative companies that build their value proposition on the frontier of cutting-edge technologies, a constantly changing boundary that brings revolutions—sometimes even sudden ones—to many industrial sectors.

To understand which technologies and development models might change our lives the most in the next five, ten, or even twenty years, the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, I3P, has organized a free in-person event on Thursday, June 20, 2024, with Massimo Canducci, a manager, technologist, and essayist who leads the innovation and future scouting activities of one of the most important Italian digital transformation companies.

There are two phrases that best describe what Massimo generally thinks about innovation and the future. The first is “We are just at the beginning“, highlighting how the growing availability of technology, which day by day changes our lives, is actually only the antechamber of what will happen in the future, which can be imagined by following the evolutionary curves of technological ecosystems. The second is “If you are not building a better world, then you are not innovating at all“, emphasizing that innovation is not mere application of technology for its own sake, but it is above all the search for a positive impact on the world around us and on our future lives.

Massimo Canducci is also a member of the Global Faculty of Singularity University and teaches innovation management at the Executive MBA Ticinensis and at the Universities of Turin and Pavia. Furthermore, he is part of the Advisory Group “Standardization for Emerging Technologies and Innovations“, which guides ISO’s strategic choices worldwide on emerging technologies and innovation.

The meeting on June 20 at I3P is organized as part of the special event series titled “Scintille“: a series of meetings with brilliant minds and prominent personalities, not only from the world of technology, who have made a significant mark in their field and beyond. The series is promoted by the incubator on the occasion of its 25th anniversary, to continue offering the community of innovators new opportunities for meeting, discussion, and inspiration for the entrepreneurship of tomorrow.

How to participate

The event will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2024, starting at 6:00 PM, in person at the Agorà Hall of the I3P incubator, located within the Campus of the Polytechnic University of Turin and accessible both from the main gate at Corso Castelfidardo 30/A and from the pedestrian entrance at Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation in the event is free, with prior registration on Eventbrite.


6:00 PM | Welcome of participants

6:10 PM | Introductory greetings – Paola Mogliotti, Director of I3P

6:15 PM | Opening of the meeting – Adriano Marconetto, Entrepreneur In Residence of I3P

6:20 PM | Conversation with Massimo Canducci, manager, technologist, and essayist

7:00 PM | Q&A session with the audience present

7:20 PM | Conclusion of the meeting