On February 18 at 6 PM at Open Incet, the Turin presentation of the book “Eppur ci siamo. Narrative e rappresentazioni delle persone con disabilità” by Alexa Pantanella will take place.
The event is organized by Fondazione Brodolini, Master GEDM, and Open Incet, in collaboration with Puntozero.
- Barbara De Micheli, Coordinator of the GEDM Master’s Program at Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini
- CarlaMaria Tiburtini, National Representative of AIDP Inclusion
- Chiara Pennetta, Special Education Teacher, Trainer, and Deafness Activist
- Elio Benvenuti, Diversity & Disability Manager, Dyslexic Advocate
- Moderated by Alexa Pantanella, Inclusive Language Expert and Author of the Book
The event is organized by Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini and Open Incet and will be held on Tuesday, February 18, at 6 PM at Open Incet – Piazza Teresa Noce 17, Turin.
If the WHO states that people with disabilities are “the world’s largest minority”, why do we hardly ever hear about them in the news and media? Why do we rarely see them represented in TV series and films? Why are they often marginalized in education and the workplace?
Alexa Pantanella seeks to answer these questions through an analysis that combines numerical data with real-life examples of narratives and common language, exploring their potential effects on both people with disabilities and those without. She examines various “cultural agencies” that shape our collective imagination, such as education, journalism, TV series and films, advertising, and the job market.
This journey aims to help us understand not only where representation is lacking but also to provide insights that encourage change. So that we no longer have to think:
“You don’t see us. You don’t know us. You don’t represent us or allow us to be represented. You don’t hire us. And yet, we are here.”
Free event.