After the success of previous editions, the professional development university course (CUAP) “Social Impact Assessment“, supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and offered by the Competence Center for Social Impact Assessment within TSI, is back.
Until January 26th, you can pre-enroll in the University Course offered by the Department of Management at the University of Turin, in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Turin (members of the Committee for Social Entrepreneurship), the Piccatti Milanese Foundation, the Cottino Foundation, Tiresia, and the training organizations of Central Cooperatives (Il Nodo Consortium for Confcooperative Piemonte Nord and Inforcoop Ecipaa Piemonte for Legacoop Piemonte) and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.
The course aims to train third sector entities and social enterprises to adopt a strategic approach to the evaluation and management of the generated social impact, in line with the guidelines of the Social Entrepreneurship Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. The training is intended for organizations that want to enhance knowledge and skills in impact evaluation, especially for those in managerial and leadership roles and those involved in reporting the effectiveness and efficiency of activities in both economic-financial and social terms or those interested in integrating the two aspects.
Through a hybrid and highly innovative didactic approach, the CUAP combines theoretical and practical approaches aimed at identifying Impact Management strategies and their measurement. A final business case completes the sharing of learning among the participants themselves. The course addresses the evaluation of social impact applied to projects for accessing European, national, or local funding, as well as to major territorial, sporting, cultural, and congress events. It starts with the assumption that every event and systemic action brings about a change that can be measured and evaluated with specific techniques mastered by impact assessors.
At the end of the course, it will be possible to obtain certification, issued by Cepas, a third-party certifying body, and its registration in the national register of Impact Assessors, along with the digital “Open Badge” certification issued by Bestr.
For this edition as well, the online format has been maintained to spread the culture of impact assessment beyond the borders of Turin, with nationwide dissemination.