“Portineria di comunità” will take active part to the 15th Festival of Popular Cultures. The “Tradi Radio” seat in the “Portineria” (concierge) will come alive through the voices and the imagination of all the inhabitants, to give shape to an illustrated map of the desires about the future Porta Palazzo.
The “portineria” is a meeting and exhange place, where you can receive the help you need and give help yourself to other inhabitants: it’s an exercise of human micro-economy that gives life to commerce, craftsmanship, and all the services without a specific category but that everyone needs, such as errands in government offices, doing the shopping, or a place to receive parcels. The project is recognized in Europe as a best practice. It is the final step of “Biagio” Project, one of the 15 social innovation projects sustained by the City of Turin through the Torino Social Factory program, financed also by Pon Metro 2014-2020 and imagined by “Rete Italiana di Cultura Popolare” in partnership with the Migrants Pastoral Office and “Nessuno è straniero”.
From 13th to 15th November the 15th will take place the Festival of Popular Cultures “Community relationships”, organized by “Rete Italiana di Cultura Popolare”. The present edition will be totally “on radio”, available on Tradi Radio.
The main topic will be the community relationships and innovative ways to take care of them. Proximity because places and modalities will be analogical and digital, physical and virtual, material and immaterial. On the radio and online, with some performative actions open to everyone: from home, on foot, by bike, in order to move close people and make sure that the necessary distancing is only physical, not social and, instead, it will widen our idea of community and strengthen our sens of solidarity.
Discover the program of the festival
info@spacciocultura.it – www.spacciocultura.it – Ph. 3478788271