Wednesday, October 7 at 5:30 pm, at Cpg Torino, center of the youth protagonism of the district 2, as part of the project Mirafiori Sìcura, opens and inaugurates the first popular cycle shop “Mirabike“, an important step that meets the modern mobility needs of the neighborhood.
MiraBike, is a cycle shop in the neighborhood at the CPG Turin, precisely, in Strada delle Cacce 36, but also itinerant in strategic areas of the neighborhood through CarGo Bike set up.
It is the activation of a short and long term bike rental service and the organisation of events and activities for the promotion of bike use between adults and children, awareness and promotion became even more relevant in this post-pandemic period.
The Aperibike of “Barcult” with free offer is waiting for you to celebrate this new popular adventure.
The project is supported by the City of Torino (Torino Social Factory program) realised within Torino Social Impact and co-financed by Pon Metro Programma Operativo Città Metropolitane 2014 – 2020 (measure 331A).
*Wednesday at 4.00 p.m. / 9.00 p.m.
at CPG Torino – Strada delle Cacce 36
*Friday 4.00 p.m. / 6.00 p.m.
at Casa nel Parco – Via Panetti 1