Do you have an innovative idea and wonder where to start to bring it to life? Join us for the Open Day at I3P, the Innovative Enterprises Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in the afternoon. This is your chance to meet I3P’s startup mentors for free and learn how to turn your idea into a successful business project!

At this event, you will gain an inside look at the world of innovative entrepreneurship and connect directly with I3P, an internationally recognized incubator that has been supporting the creation and growth of high-tech startups for 25 years. The goal is to provide valuable information and guidance for those seeking a starting point on their entrepreneurial journey. Hear firsthand experiences from Focoos AI, an innovative startup part of the I3P community and the ESA BIC Turin program, and receive practical advice from the incubator’s Business Analysts on the best opportunities to bring your idea to life.

The Open Day 2024 will also delve into the 20th edition of the Start Cup Piemonte Valle d’Aosta, a regional competition offering prizes for the best new startup proposals. The competition also provides free consulting, orientation, and mentoring services through the CTE NEXT project of the City of Turin and benefits from incentives provided by Invitalia, the national agency for investment attraction and business development.

After the presentations, in-person participants can engage in free one-to-one meetings with the Incubator’s mentors to discuss and receive practical advice on taking the first steps towards a successful venture. Online participants can schedule individual meetings with an I3P mentor in the days following the event.

Register today and start your journey as the entrepreneur of tomorrow!

How to Participate

The event will be held at 3:00 PM in person at the Agorà Room of the I3P Incubator, located within the Polytechnic University of Turin Campus, accessible from Corso Castelfidardo 34 and Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59, and streamed online.

To participate, you must register for free on Eventbrite. Register by 11:00 AM on Tuesday, June 18. If you choose the online option, you will receive a connection link via email before the event begins.

If you cannot attend the Open Day but still wish to meet with I3P mentors to discuss your business idea, contact the incubator to arrange a dedicated appointment.


  • 3:00 PM: Welcome participants
  • 3:10 PM: Opening remarks and introduction by Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P
  • 3:15 PM: Presentation of the incubator and its activities within the startup ecosystem by Enrico Ghia, Operations Manager of I3P
  • 3:30 PM: Starting points for launching your innovative idea: Start Cup Piemonte Valle d’Aosta 2024 and services offered by the competition partners by Martina Fiorin, Business Consultant at I3P
  • 3:50 PM: Testimonial from a startup incubated at I3P and part of the ESA BIC Turin program by Antonio Tavera, Founder & CEO of Focoos AI
  • 4:00 PM: Event conclusion and opening of one-to-one meetings with I3P mentors to discuss and evaluate your business idea’s potential

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