Today, June 26, during an informative seminar on Sustainability at the Cottino Social Impact Campus aimed at businesses, lawyers, and certified accountants (to consider sustainability in the evolving socio-cultural and economic context), the launch of a new Community of Practice under Torino Social Impact was announced, specifically dedicated to Professional Orders and named OP4Impact (Professional Orders for Impact).

Initiated by the Orders of Certified Accountants, Lawyers, Labor Consultants, and Notaries, the goal of this working group is to address the main challenges faced by organizations aiming to generate ESG impact. By bringing together the expertise of professionals in administrative, legal, accounting, and notarial fields, it aims to create a powerful network capable of supporting and guiding organizations towards sustainable and responsible practices.

The Community of Practice project is an initiative of Torino Social Impact, representing a significant step towards strengthening the collective dimension of the impact ecosystem. Supported by the Chamber of Commerce and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation as part of TSI, it aims to create a collaborative space where partners can pool their expertise and work together on shared themes and challenges.
The Cottino Social Impact Campus will support the new Community of Practice by playing a facilitation and guidance role in the co-design and implementation of its activities.

OP4Impact joins four other currently active Communities of Practice, each addressing fundamental and highly relevant social issues (Benefit Corporations, NEET, Circular Economy, Gender Equality).