On November 7th, the presentation event of the research conducted by the MIRA Observatory took place, focusing on the socio-economic impact generated by the winning initiatives of the ‘Wonder’ grant
The event ‘The Design of Social Innovation: The Wonder Case,’ held on November 7th at the Circolo del Design, was a unique opportunity to relive the entire journey outlined by the ‘WONDER. Experiments in design for social innovation‘ grant. This initiative, promoted in 2020 by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, aimed to develop design projects capable of generating innovative solutions in response to the social needs of the territory, with a green perspective.
Throughout the morning, which saw the participation of representatives from all the entities involved in the initiative, the research ‘WONDER: Experiments in design for social innovation’ was presented, useful for defining the long-term socio-economic impact generated by each project.
The research, promoted by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and conducted by the MIRA Observatory of the Circolo del Design, was also aimed at identifying the policy implications of the experimentation for the Turin philanthropic foundation, as well as the impacts that the journey had on the participating organizations and the involved designers. If you wish to download the complete research, visit this link.
Born within the framework of the ‘Create Attractiveness Mission‘ of the ‘Cultural Objective‘ and developed in collaboration with the Circolo del Design and Torino Social Impact, the Wonder Grant was addressed to designers and third sector entities to create projects useful for generating innovative solutions and services, with a high social impact, capable of responding to the challenges posed by the green transition.
The main objective was to bring together the world of the third sector with that of design, pursuing the dual purpose of empowering third-sector entities and opening up a new market for designers, on one hand, and generating a positive impact on territories and reference communities, on the other.
‘Cortili in Azione – La bellezza come bene comune‘ (Courtyards in Action – Beauty as a Common Good), ‘FFP – Frassati FoodPrint,’ ‘GYGA – Green Young Gaming Ambassadors,’ ‘Limes – Da margine a cerniera‘ (Limes – From Margin to Hinge), and ‘ICONICA‘ are the names of the 5 winning projects, whose impact was analyzed in the research developed by MIRA. If you wish to consult all the research produced by the MIRA Observatory, visit this link.