Support for new businesses and self-employment
The MIP AL TOP provides granting contributions for new companies and self-employment activities with operating headquarters in one of the following municipalities of the metropolitan area of Turin: Beinasco, Borgaro Torinese, Collegno, Grugliasco, Moncalieri, Nichelino, Orbassano, Rivoli, Settimo Torinese, San Mauro e Veneria Reale.
Who can participate?
All applicants must have take part in the MIP Program- Mettersi in proprio- and have its business plan/activity plan validate, They must be established and active starting from 1st January 2018.
The program facilitates the promotion and growth of businesses and self-employment activities already strarted, through a maximum granting of 5.000€ for each activity. If the business or activites have an impact on social innovation (as an example; promotion of social inclusion or the realization of new metropolitan and urban welfare models) the contribution can be increased up to a maximum amount of 2.000€.
Deadline: until resources are exhausted
For more information visit Città metropolitana di Torino
Mip- Mettersi in Propio is financed by the Axis 1 “Occupazione”, Priorità 8i, Ob. Specifico 1 del POR FSE Regione Piemonte 2014-2020.
MIP al TOP è finanziato dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri nell’ambito dell’iniziativa Bando Periferie di cui al DPCM 25 maggio 2016 e s.m.i. per la riqualificazione urbana e la sicurezza delle periferie delle città metropolitane.