The theme of the tenth edition of the Festival of Social Doctrine is Memory of the Future.
Memory of the Future is to remember that we are part of a history that moves in a great embrace, it is to recover the original inspiration to the good, making peace with the past, which, cleared by nostalgia or regret, becomes fertile ground to build the future.
Life unfolds with its own rhythms, not programmable. It challenges us with its load of pain, disappointments, mistakes, mistakes, efforts, trials, illnesses… it gives us back our limit and invites us to look beyond because only in this way is it possible to welcome reality, sensing the deep meaning that lies within a project that precedes and surpasses us.
Looking beyond means overcoming the tiredness that withers the heart, the fear that blocks action, the search for security and guarantees placed in power, in money, in science.
Looking beyond allows us not to depend on the result, so success does not exalt and failure does not depress, but rather invites us to reorient the path.
Looking beyond requires a goal that is able to illuminate the path in the present and restore peace in the heart. A peace that is prodigal of actions, attention, care, creativity, impetus, concreteness.
To look beyond means to free oneself from the self and to make possible authentic relationships with others in a shared journey in which the “we” takes the place of the “I”.
Precisely when we look beyond the people we set ourselves in motion, we restore ardor to passion, stimulus to action, concreteness of doing.
For this reason, remembering the future has a social implication: free from roles and corporate selfishness, it gives back the vision of the whole, active collaborations, it makes possible the pursuit of the good of all and of each one.
Remembering the future allows us to see things in their right dimension, to grasp the fragments of truth present in the different disciplines and to rejoice in them, making synthesis and new starting points.
Remembering the future activates collective energies, allows us to imagine what is not yet there by starting processes that do not end with ourselves and that others will enjoy.
Remembering the future restores the correct idea of development, of integral development, and puts communities, territories and peoples on the road, aware that the future awaits people who will make it present.
To remember the future makes it possible to stay “beyond places, within time”, to accept “the challenge of reality”, to “stay among people”, to give reason that “fidelity is change”, to assume “the risk of freedom”, to “be present, social polyphony”.
We are a synthesis of memory and future. The participation of each one of us in the SDC Festival will lead us to find each other, to recognize each other, to share fears, ideas, hopes and actions inspired by each other. Because remembering the future is a guarantee of freedom, vocation and destiny of man, called not so much to do new things, but to make all things new.
On Monday, November 23, 2020 at 10.30 am, do not miss the live of the opening of the Festival on YouTube, with the planting of the tree of the Social Doctrine of the Church in the Collegio Artigianelli.
Download HERE the poster of the entire event.