From start-up to cluster in the framework of the new EU Innovation Agenda

To innovate means to introduce new products, services, processes, business models into the economic system for the first time, or to improve existing ones. The Piedmont region has a long manufacturing tradition that has led to the creation of many private companies and start-ups, attracting talented individuals and providing a rich environment for innovation. For the Piedmont innovation system to be highly innovative, transformative, and competitive, it needs to become an ecosystem where sectors and various actors are as integrated and dynamic as possible.

In this context, the ACCELERATE GDT project aims to enhance actions and policies related to clusters, strengthen their capacity to grow and cooperate with SMEs, and support their dual green and digital transition. On the other hand, the SKALE2CT project focuses on increasing the resources and capacities of public organizations to improve the scaleup services of enterprises, particularly in emerging sectors such as health and digital.

Based on a reflection on the local innovative context, the event’s goal is to contribute positively to a strategic reflection aimed at identifying possible key elements for developing a more effective and robust innovation ecosystem within the context of the European innovation perspective. The seminar brings together personalities active in the metropolitan and regional innovation ecosystem and the partners of the two Interreg projects. The meeting aims to stimulate the exchange of ideas and good practices.


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