A new European funding opportunity has opened up for social economy organizations: under the European Social Fund (ESF+) Social Innovation+ program, a call for proposals has been published. This call aims to scale up already tested social initiatives focused on integrating long-term unemployed individuals into the labor market and promoting their social inclusion.

To facilitate participation in the call, on Friday, June 7th, the European Projects HUB for Social Economy organized an info session dedicated to exploring the call in depth. The webinar was led by Weco Impresa Sociale in collaboration with the National Contact Point for the EaSI program.
After presenting the European EaSI Program, the call for proposals was analyzed starting from its objectives and eligible activities. Additionally, significant attention was given to the purpose of the call, which is to transfer and scale up good practices to combat long-term unemployment.

At the end of the info session, organizations interested in participating in the call were invited to take part in a support pathway for the design and submission of their applications. This support can be activated within the European Projects HUB for Social Economy.

The European Projects HUB for Social Economy is an initiative launched in collaboration with Weco Impresa Sociale, thanks to the contribution of the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.