Corporate Meeting: business networking & B2B
The lockdown before, the spacing rules now and, above all, the uncertainty about the time to return to normal from an epidemiological and community life point of view are having a very strong economic impact on all sectors and, in our country, the sector of culture and tourism is certainly among the most affected.
However, a glimpse of light can be glimpsed, in the sense that many cultural realities and many economic operators have been able to react with great courage and creativity, remodeling, where possible, their entertainment offer in digital form and thus reaching a virtual audience, sometimes even wider.
Better use of social networks and data-based marketing strategies, activation of content management, augmented and virtual reality, as well as solutions previously considered too innovative, can be the key to exit from the crisis and the starting point from which to start design a renewed cultural and tourist offer for our territory and for Italy.
The Piedmont ICT Cluster, in its Corporate Meeting of 7 July, chose to investigate this topic so strategic for the restart, thanks to the comparison with two valuable keynote speakers and proposing some of the most useful technological and innovative solutions aimed at the management and enhancement of the cultural heritage and economic development of the territories, to increase their tourist attraction capacity.
Why participate
To get to know the most useful technological solutions for:
- manage and enhance the cultural and artistic heritage
- promoting the tourist offer and local specificities
- make better use of tourist destinations
The Corporate Meeting is
LIVE EVENT in remote connection on the ZOOM platform, in which companies belonging to the ICT Pole present their solutions with 5-minute quick interventions on the speed pitching model.
B2B MEETINGS organized in the days following the meeting, which take place remotely. Each participant in the live can request can request personalized appointments to each speaker.
AN EVENT OPEN to all companies in the culture and tourism sector, in addition to those in the ICT sector. Organize the Torino Wireless Foundation.