Why should Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) be important for a startup?

According to Istat data, by 2025, the labor market will have nearly 3 million fewer Middle Managers than in 2015. Addressing this “managerial crisis” is crucial for young, growing innovative companies, and focusing on D&I becomes a priority not only from an HR perspective.

D&I is one of the metrics that investment funds evaluate when choosing which startups to finance, as it has been proven to enhance performance, resilience, and attractiveness to new talent. Being inclusive can positively impact performance and funding opportunities: many competitions today have rewards for companies certified as inclusive, and more organizations are working exclusively with suppliers attentive to Environmental Social Governance (ESG) issues.

How can D&I be integrated into your business strategy?

This is the central theme of the free training event to be held on Thursday, June 27, at I3P, the Politecnico di Torino’s Incubator. The event is organized in collaboration with W Executive, a headhunting firm specializing in Executive Search that includes two other brands: WeHunt, dedicated to the search and selection of middle-senior management profiles, and WINclusion, specializing in Diversity & Inclusion issues, talent selection with disabilities, and consultancy in transforming companies into inclusive environments.

Leading the event will be Michael Luciano, Director and Strategic D&I Advisor at WINclusion, and Simone Suppo, Senior Manager at WeHunt, with a presentation by Victor Osorio, Co-Founder & CEO of Kilogram, an I3P startup specializing in Foodtech.

How to participate

The appointment is for Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 5:00 PM in person at the Agorà Hall of the I3P incubator located within the Politecnico di Torino Campus, accessible from the main gate at Corso Castelfidardo 30/A and the pedestrian entrance at Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

At the end of the event, there will be a networking aperitif where attendees can exchange experiences, questions, and useful advice on the topics discussed.

Participation in the event is free upon registration on Eventbrite.


  • 5:00 PM | Participant Reception
  • 5:10 PM | Welcome greetings at I3P
  • 5:15 PM | Introduction by Simone Suppo, Senior Manager at WeHunt
  • 5:25 PM | Presentation by Michael Luciano, Director and Strategic D&I Advisor at WINclusion
  • 5:55 PM | Case History: Victor Osorio, Co-Founder & CEO of Kilogram, shares his experience on Diversity & Inclusion in smart eating
  • 6:15 PM | Q&A session with the audience
  • 6:30 PM | Conclusions and networking aperitif