Fondazione Brodolini, together with ItaliaCamp, Forcoop, San Donato Scs, Stranaidea and Vides Main, started the project “(Im)perfect Futures”, supported by Compagnia di San Paolo – with the aim of helping young people who have no voice to imagine, aspire and build a future as protagonists by participating in a training program that includes several practical and interactive workshops, to acquire skills, explore new worlds and learn more about themselves and their aspirations.
How does the project “(Im)perfect Futures” work?
It develops in three phases:
1. Future Workshops: between October and December, ForwardTO – Studies and Skills for Future Scenarios will guide participants in exploring possible futures through techniques related to theater, videomaking, written and oral narration and other art forms. From the scenarios identified will arise a common manifesto, which will be the basis on which the association will work at the end of the course.
2. Training path: at the beginning of 2021 will start an accompanying path aimed at providing skills for the activation and management of an associative reality and more generally of social innovation.
3. Constitution of the association: at the end of the course participants will create an association based at Open Incet for the promotion of projects related to cultural and civic innovation with particular reference to young people and their right and need to aspire to a future.
Who can participate?
Two main targets will work in parallel:
– Young people from 14 to 18 years old
– Young people from 18 to 30 years old
How to participate?
Those who wish to participate must fill in the registration form (by clicking here) with the required information, and attach a letter or a graphic project (drawing or photo with caption) to present themselves and how they see themselves in the future.