IMPACT THROUGH DESIGN: UN SDGS and Societal Challenges.
International Open Talk | SDGs Applied Design Research Program
Co-produced by
SocialFare | Center for Social Innovation Italy
ELISAVA – Barcelona School of Design and Engineering
IMPACT THROUGH DESIGN: UN SDGSs and Societal Challenges is an applied research program co-produced by SocialFare | Centre of Social Innovation based in Turin, Italy and ELISAVA – Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, aimed to improve and promote the generation of Social Impact through Design.
The applied design research program will focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and will involve professionals, researchers, public and private institutions as well as the communities in which the best practices of Social Impact Design are already being applied in order to define a programmatic and systemic proposal for the next decade.
Starting in Turin (Italy) on May the 4th, 2018, the program includes an Open Talk Series in Marseille, Barcelona, Matera, Roma, Zurich, Toronto, Boston, Shanghai and will be presented at the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York. The program is also part of the European Development Days (EDW 2018).
opentalk#1 | TURIN
Impact through design SDGs and Societal Challenges. The Italian Perspective
Friday 4th May 17.00 – 19.30 h | Rinascmenti Sociali, Via Maria Vittoria 38, Torino
opentalk#2 | MARSEILLE
The Marseille social design and bottom-up perspective
Saturday 19th May 16.00-18.00 h | Femmes D’Ici et D’Ailleurs, 4 Rue Mazagran, 13001 Marseille
opentalk#3 | BARCELONA
Data & the City. Design, Policy and Resilience. The Barcelona Perspective
Wednesday 23rd May 18.30-19.30 h | Elisava Design School, Rambla 32 08002 Barcelona
opentalk#4 | MATERA
The system food-design. The Community Perspective
Saturday 2nd june from 11.30-12.30 h | Palazzo Lanfranchi, Via Carlo Levi Matera
opentalk#5 | ROME
Digital Social Innovation. Top down either/ or Bottom-up. Which sustainability through design? The Public Interest Perspective
Thursday 7th June 11.00-12.00 h | Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
opentalk#6 | ZURICH
Cultural devices: models of design and design of models. The Zurich perspective
Wednesday 27th June 2018 18.00-19.30 h | Cabaret Voltaire, Spiegelgasse 1,8001 Zürich, Switzerland
opentalk#7 | NEW YORK
Social Impact through design. The Design Schools and Policy perspective toward the transition to sustainability
United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), New York, United Nations
17th July 2018
opentalk#8 | TORONTO
Cultural impact. Principles and practices. The indigenous perspective and technologies.
3rd September 18.00-19,00 h | OCAD university, Toronto, Canada
opentalk#10 | SHANGHAI
Design for city-making. Models and Collaborative cities systems for no-Western social impact.
30th October 17.00-18.30 h | Tonjii University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China
International Impact Through Design. The Festival
23th November | Rinascimenti Sociali, Via Maria Vittoria 38, Torino, Italy
SocialFare | Center for Social Innovation Italy
SocialFare is the first Center for Social Innovation in Italy. Research, community engagement, capacity building, and co-design are at the basis of our work to develop innovative solutions to contemporary societal challenges, while generating new economy via social ventures. SocialFare is located in Torino, in the premises of Rinascimenti Sociali, the place and convergence network dedicated to accelerate social impact knowledge and entrepreneurship in Italy.
ELISAVA – Barcelona School of Design and Engineering
ELISAVA is one of the most important schools of Europe, a pioneer in studies of Design and Engineering. The Centre, affiliated to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, has 2.000 students from around the world. ELISAVA promotes education, knowledge, research, development and innovation in the field of design, engineering and communication. The School offers a college education that prepares students to meet professional challenges worldwide.