An innovative project to support social housing in Turin, through the acquisition of buildings.
Together with the City of Turin, the project brings together private non-profit and for profit organizations, including Brainscapital, Homers, ACMOS, Turin Chamber of Commerce and Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.
The project has already received a loan of 150 thousand Euros from the Italian government – as a first tranche of a contribution from the National Social Innovation Fund. To these resources, up to around 1,5 million Euros could be added, while another 150 thousand Euros are already available to private lenders, ready to be invested.
Homes4All will promote a brand-new social housing service strategy, starting from the identification of properties – free or occupied, coming either from judicial procedures or from other sources, such as unused apartments or ad hoc donations. Among the main objectives, special attention will be given to innovate the housing traditional dynamics of tenants in order to promote participative, collaborative and inclusive mechanisms.
The overall management of the properties – both those coming from private individuals and those purchased in the real estate market or coming from judicial auctions – will be entrusted to a NewCo, whose services will be double-oriented: in the case of a free property, it affords the renovation in the purpose of resale or re-introduce it in the social rental channels; in the case of a occupied house, the institute is responsible for removing the debt situation of the occupant, who will turn into a fixed rent. Based on the know-how of the Turin ecosystem, this implementing model is very important to answer to emerging social needs, according to the scheme of impact finance.
The estimated savings for the City of Turin, in relation to the cost incurred for the provision of facilities destined for the housing emergency, amounts to around 450 thousand Euros, making the use of public resources more efficient.