ActionAid’s work focuses on promoting women’s rights, with particular attention to the prevention and combat of gender-based violence in all its forms, at national, European, and global levels. Violence against women is a serious violation of human rights, manifesting in various forms, from physical to psychological violence, and represents a structural problem that affects all countries and social groups.

A crucial aspect of ActionAid’s activities is the economic empowerment of women. The lack of economic independence can prevent many women from leaving abusive relationships. Through specific programs, ActionAid supports women survivors of violence in regaining access to economic, work, and service opportunities.

Moreover, ActionAid is committed to combating the labor exploitation of women, promoting their rights and working conditions, particularly for those employed in vulnerable sectors. The organization also works to challenge gender stereotypes and discrimination through educational programs and awareness campaigns.

Finally, ActionAid addresses gender-based violence against migrant women, informing communities about the consequences of harmful practices such as Female Genital Mutilation. Additionally, the organization monitors policies and the use of public funds to ensure that states fulfill their obligations in protecting and supporting victims of gender-based violence.