Saturday, March 23rd, freelancers and entrepreneurs will meet in Turin for the 5th edition of the Freelance Day, the independent job festival. A totally free full-immersion with talks, workshops, micro consultancy and networking meetings in parallel sessions, organized by Toolbox Coworking in collaboration with Acta, the association of freelancers.
On the previous day, Friday 22nd at 17.00, a panel will be held on the future of work and on how technological and social innovation will impact on the skills required: FUTURE WORKS!, with Alberto Maestri (Chief Content Officer in OpenKnowledge), Marco Zappalorto (Chief Executive Nesta Italy) and Sergio Bologna (self-employed scholar), moderated by Giuseppe Bottero of La Stampa.
On the event website the program of the two days is available: they will focus on the evolution of transversal professional skills, which any freelance or entrepreneur must keep constantly updated.