Solutions Journalism – or journalism oriented towards solutions – is an approach to traditional journalism that aims to respond to social problems in a rigorous, compelling, objective, and critical manner.

While traditional journalism often focuses on reporting problems, approaches like Solutions Journalism strive to balance this perspective by showcasing effective ways to highlight what is not working, with the aim of informing and motivating people to take action.

Solutions Journalism investigates several key elements: it thoroughly explores the narrative of a response to a social problem and analyzes its functioning in significant detail; it emphasizes effectiveness rather than just good intentions, reporting tangible results; it not only inspires but also offers practical advice that others can adopt; and finally, it critically examines what is not working in the approach taken.

“Foundations and Principles of Solutions Journalism”: a webinar on new approaches to journalism

To understand the role, importance, and approach of Solutions Journalism in the current media context, on Monday, June 17, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, the webinar “Foundations and Principles of Solutions Journalism” will be held. This event is part of the Torino Impact Journalism initiative: through conferences, webinars, projects, and collaborations in the region, we aim to explore how journalism can contribute to promoting change in a context where all societal actors, from institutions to businesses, are called upon to take action to address major environmental and social challenges.

The webinar will be an opportunity for debate and discussion among experts – national and international – in journalism, impact, media, and communication. The event will be an integral part of the training courses of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont and is aimed at both professionals and anyone interested in exploring this topic.

Webinar guests

Stefano ArduiniStefano Arduini. A journalist and writer, he has directed Vita magazine and since May 2018. In 2004, he won the Mauro Gavinelli journalism award, a national recognition for under-35s for the best article addressing a current political, economic, social, or sports topic in Lombardy. He has been involved in social communication since 2002.


Peter DamgaardPeter Damgaard. As the Chief Operating Officer of the Constructive Institute, he supervises and co-develops Research and Development projects, with particular focus on research collaboration and impact measurement and AI. He conducts workshops and presentations sharing his insights on the work of the Institute and the role of constructive journalism in the current media landscape.


Alessia GianoncelliAlessia Gianoncelli. Director of Knowledge and Programs at Impact Europe, the European network for impact finance. She has contributed to the narrative and debate on impact investing, promoting its development and supporting investors, foundations, and all stakeholders committed to making a positive change in society through research, data analysis, and training opportunities.


Jodie JacksonJodie Jackson. Author and founder of News Literacy Lab, she is a prominent figure in the solutions journalism movement, bringing the topic of the impact of the “media diet” on our mental health and storytelling for social change to the global stage. Her books have helped people integrate media mastery into their lives to improve their worldview.


Tina RosenbergTina Rosenberg. Co-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network and writer. She has long been a journalist for the New York Times, writing editorials and articles for the Sunday magazine. Along with David Bornstein, co-founder of SJN, she wrote the Fixes column for the New York Times for 11 years.



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