The Accademia Liuteria Piemontese San Filippo starts again with a calendar of appointments open to everyone and masterclasses for professionals.
The Accademia Liuteria Piemontese is a center of continuing education dedicated to the art of craftsmanship of musical instruments, and in particular the violin and classical guitar. Starting this year, in addition to the two-year training courses, thanks to the project “INeOUT – INformative Experiences for User Orientation” co-financed by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and dedicated to continuing education and orientation (“Projects for Orientation to Work and Professions – Year 2021”) the Academy aims at orienting and sensitizing high school students in Turin and in the Piedmont Region through itinerant seminars and organizes, at its headquarters in via Accademia delle Scienze 11 in Turin, moments of in-depth study around the theme of violin making and dedicated to the curious, enthusiasts and professionals. Every 15 days, from November to July, an “appointment with the professional” and every two months a master class for young luthiers who have already started their activity as craftsmen. Leading names on the Italian and international scene will discuss topics of general interest, ranging from commercial fraud to the history that accompanies the “myth” of the varnish of stringed instruments, from conservative and functional restoration to ancient and modern construction methods.
The first masterclass (for a fee) will be held on December 13, 14 and 15 and will be dedicated to the rewinding of the musical bow. In 2022, the masterclasses will be dedicated to artistic sculpture, maintenance of the bowed instrument and shellac varnishing for plucked instruments.