How can a Benefit Corporation communicate its identity effectively? What are the best practices and strategies to adopt?
These were some of the key questions addressed in the latest meeting of the Benefit Corporations Community of Practice, titled “Communicating Benefit”. The event took place on Wednesday, March 5, bringing together various organizations from the Turin Social Impact ecosystem.
The topic was explored by Valentina Pelazza and Benedetta Cioni from Synesthesia, a digital experience company engaged in all areas of digital transformation. The company has made its Benefit Corporation status a central goal, ensuring careful communication both internally and externally.
The pillars of Benefit Corporation communication
Under Synesthesia’s guidance, the session first examined the fundamental principles for effectively conveying the core values of a Benefit Corporation.
The discussion emphasized the importance of clear, consistent, and transparent communication, supported by a well-structured strategy and channels suited to the context. This approach should highlight both achieved results and future objectives. The importance of networking was also underlined, as collaborations with third-sector organizations help develop concrete projects that benefit the community and the environment.
To support organizations in this effort, the 4C model was introduced, identifying four key pillars of communication: clarity, credibility, consistency, competitiveness. These elements, when carefully considered, become strategic and effective tools for communicating the Benefit Corporation identity.
Based on these insights, the 17 participants exchanged experiences and discussed their communication approaches. The discussion highlighted that being a Benefit Corporation should always be emphasized as a continuous improvement process, capable of integrating economic value and social impact.
Fit4Benefit: a series of meetings for 2024-2025
This initiative is part of the Benefit Corporations Community of Practice project for 2024-2025, with the goal of creating shared knowledge through collaboration and skill exchange among all participants.
The Community of Practice project is made possible thanks to the support of the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.